Triangular South-south Corporation project


Biogas, Biomass and Solar Trilateral Cooperation Transitioning to Sustainable Energy Uses in the Agro-Industry in Sri Lanka

Our Services

 Capacity building and training

Training of Provincial Council Officers
The activities will focus on developing Provincial Councils’ capacities to manage the transition to RET for clean energy consumption and production: i.e. assess, set targets and monitor. It will bridge the data gap, by piloting a data collection system in the five provinces that feeds into the ENERGIS database for the agro-industry.

Training of trainers in installation, operation & maintenance
The training courses will lead to the formulation of manual for operation and maintenance of specific system; for example, maintaining ph levels, feedstock, screening safety protocols, operation of machinery for biogas systems.

Training on system design
The training courses will lead to curricula development on designing biogas and solar systems and advisory services for agro-industry (i.e. energy audits, sizing and system optimization, costing systems, biogas upgrading, etc.), including the formulation of online courses. In order to reinforce the South-South knowledge exchange, Chinese implementing partners (e.g. China Agricultural University) will adapt the training material to an E-Learning course that will be made accessible by ACCA21 on the South-South Cooperation Centre website

  Pilot demonstrations

Provincial stakeholder consultations will be used in identifying the priority areas for the application of renewable energy technologies in the agro-industry. With the priority areas identified, provincial councils will identify potentials sites for which feasibility studies will be carried out. These feasibility studies will be used in prioritizing sites for demonstration of renewable energy technologies

  Data collection framework

The project will support the Provincial Councils to collect and submit disaggregated data on energy consumption, waste generated and fertilizer used in the agro-industry to the ENERGIS. Support will be given through capacity building of provincial council officers and development of the ENERGIS database

  Provincial Energy Plans

The data collection framework will be used in developing energy plans for the agro industry for three provinces. Data generated through the framework will be used as a basis to screen data required for a provincial level baseline of energy consumption and GHG inventory (i.e. energy needs, generated wastes and uses of fertilizers). The baseline will allow comparison with energy savings and GHG emissions reductions achieved through introduction of RETs and support the definition of targets for provincial energy plan

  Best Business Practices

Through a match making platform which will help identify suppliers and facilitate business relationships to match potential demand for RETs in Sri Lanka agro-industry sector. Chinese partner will identify the Sri Lanka energy service providers demand in terms of access to technology hardware and develop an online catalogue of demand-driven biogas and solar PV products/appliances and technologies for agro-industry. Chinese partners will also organize and host trade fairs for RET technology with site visits for technology demonstration and business match-making

 Joint Research Centers

Through a set of collaborative research and consultations the project will mainstream biogas and solar potential for a transition to sustainable energy consumption and production patterns. Studies and consultation will consider:

 Why various technologies and technical systems have failed?
 Potential for biogas standardization.
 Socio-economic study on farmer behavior, young farmer expectations.
 Promotional packages on appropriate technologies for farmers in rural areas.